How Do I File For Child Support In Los Angeles?

You met your soulmate a few years back, settled down, even had kids together and started building a family. Unfortunately, things don’t always go our way. Arguments came and went, and some lingered a little longer than usual, and you both settled for a separation. That’s okay. However, your child might make the situation even harder. Some parents separate amicably and decide to support their children to the best of their abilities. Easier said than done, most separations tag along with some drama and some parents decline to offer support to their child. So, do you need legal help for child support in Los Angeles? Buckle up and begin your search for a family law attorney Los Angeles.
Oral agreements
Typically, child support is applicable through oral agreements where you and your ex-spouse will agree on how to support your child. Unfortunately, this is never the case in many situations. With many disagreeing on amounts, duration and validity of child support payments, many parents have no other viable choice than to take it to court.
Understand your child’s rights
According to the law, it is a parent’s responsibility to take care of their children, including financial matters. As a parent, you are entirely responsible for your child’s educational, medical and daily expenses. Both parents are required to chip into maintaining reasonable child support for their kids. In the case where both parents are separated or divorced, the court may order the party with whom the child doesn’t live with, to chip in a certain amount towards child support. In Los Angeles, both parents have equal responsibilities and rights when it comes to child support matters. You might want to find suitable child support lawyers for mothers to help you have a clearer understanding of what you are looking at.
Filing for child support
Arriving at the exact amount of child support depends on several issues:
- How many children need child support?
- How much money do both parents earn?
- What is the child’s health insurance expense?
- How much time do the children spend at each parent’s house?
- What’s the cost shared in additional expenses such as daycare?
- Tax filing status of each parent.
The court may request the non-custodial parent to contribute more, to reduce the economic hardship on the custodial parent, improve the child’s living standards or eradicate disparity between the parent’s houses. Your child support lawyers for mothers will help you get a fair deal.
Steps followed when filing for child support
Obtain a court order
You may obtain a court order directly through the court or use a child support agency. Without a court order, your ex-spouse has no legal obligation to contribute towards child support. You may have discussed the terms verbally, but if they default, you’ll have no case on your side. Los Angeles child support lawyers may help you commence this journey.
File information
With the help of affordable child support attorneys Los Angeles, you will be guided on how best to locate your ex-spouse, initiate a mediation, get advice on the process and file information through the district attorney’s office.
Collecting child support
Once the court passes you as eligible to collect child support, your family law attorney Los Angeles will help you obtain the payment and file the necessary paperwork and documents to ensure your child’s support is paid.
Failure to pay child support
A non-paying parent can be stubborn to your case, which leaves you with no other choice but to turn to affordable child support attorneys Los Angeles. The lawyer who will guide you through the legal process in locating them and issuing the child support papers.
Do you need legal help for child support? Look no further. Call us today at Burns Attorneys to speak to qualified Los Angeles child support lawyers. Get the help you need!