How Long Does It Take For A Stepparent To Adopt?

Parenthood is about love and not DNA. Adoption agencies aim at protecting interests of both the child and the stepparent. However, the main question is, how long does the stepparent process take? Here are details on the period taken for a stepparent to complete an adoption process.
Legal Adoption Process
You need to understand how to legally adopt a stepchild. The procedures might differ depending on regions and regulations in a state. A family law attorney Los Angeles, will guide you through the right steps involved in adopting a stepchild. Besides, a stepparent must work with an adoption agency to finally adopt the child without breaking the law.
Adoption Filing Request
Filing for adoption in your resident county is the initial step when starting a stepchild adoption process. Give out accurate information about yourself, the young one, and how you’re related in this form. Confirm that the adoption agency you are working with is licensed to handle adoptions. By working closely with a step child adoption lawyer Los Angeles, you will identify local agencies with ease.
After submitting an adoption request form, the agency requests experts from the department of social service to investigate the proposed adoption. The team collects identification documents like birth certificates and interviews the little one. The representatives are interested in the wellbeing of the kid and will promote adoption if the environment is favorable.
Terminating Non Custodial Parental Rights
In a situation where one parent is alive, the law requires them to hand over their parental rights to the stepparent. Terminating their rights as parents means that they no longer have anything to do with the young one. Such parents may be denied some rights like visiting the child or simple obligations like paying any form of support to the little ones.
Parents handing over their parental rights and obligations must sign to relinquish their rights. However, the situation might take a different turn if you cannot locate the parents, or they are unwilling to terminate their parental rights. As such, the responsible agency works with the court to find them.
Moreover, a child adoption attorney can ask the judge to halt the noncustodial rights of a parent. In case the noncustodial spouse is dead, the stepparent does not need any consent to take over the child’s responsibilities. The courts automatically grant parental status to stepparent if a noncustodial parent abandoned the young one.
Court Hearing
A final hearing is arranged for the determination of your step child adoption request. During the meeting, the adopting parent makes their formal agreement in adopting a stepchild. The adoption agency and your step child adoption lawyer Los Angeles will help with new birth registration document preparation.
The stepparent adoption procedure varies depending on situations. Get an attorney for step child adoption to ease the adoption exercise. A family law attorney in Los Angeles will help you understand how to legally adopt a stepchild. However, the adoption process may take around six months with the help of an attorney for step child adoption.