Identifying and Reporting Elder Abuse

It is possible for a medical professional or caregiver who works with elderly patients to not notice signs of abuse. This often happens because of a lack of proper training. It is common for an elderly individual who is abused to not report it. This means noticing the signs of abuse is essential for stopping it. When noticed, it may be a time to contact injury lawyer Los Angeles.
Reasons Abuse Not Reported
Elder abuse lawyers Los Angeles often tell worried clients according to the National Center on Elder Abuse an elderly individual may not want to report abuse. They fear retaliation. It is important to report nursing home neglect. In some cases, the elderly victim won’t want to get the abuser in trouble. This is common if the abuser is a family member.
Nursing home neglect lawyers tell people it has been estimated by the World Health Organization that two out of every three staff members working at nursing homes or long-term care facilities admit to having abused the elderly. This is the reason one in six adults over the age of 59 experiences abuse yearly when in such settings. Suing a nursing home for negligence is always a consideration.
Elder Abuse
The mistreatment that causes loss or harm to an older person is considered elder abuse. Nursing home neglect lawyers warn people this type of abuse can take many forms They include sexual abuse, domestic violence, psychological abuse, physical harm, financial abuse as well as neglect, and more. Professional caregivers and medical professionals have a moral as well as a legal responsibility to make certain the elderly adults in their care are safe. Suing a nursing home for negligence may stop current abuse as well as prevent future abuse.
Abuse Indicators
Elder abuse lawyers Los Angeles should be contacted if someone has these signs.
Emotional or Psychological Abuse– This can be a challenge to identify. It can result in an elderly patient being afraid of their caregiver. They become disconnected or behave differently toward friends and family.
Financial Exploitation – Signs of this could involve payments for an elderly person being late, missing checks, credit, or debit cards. Insufficient funds in banking accounts, missing property, payments for medical treatment not being made, and more.
Physical Abuse – This will result when an elderly person experiences some type of impairment or bodily injury. It could involve broken bones, cuts, brain injuries as well as scratches, and more. All unexplained injuries need to be taken seriously.
Neglect – This is committed by many types of caregivers. It could involve failing to provide important medical care or failing to wash an elderly person’s clothing. Signs of neglect include malnutrition, dirty or unsanitary living conditions, dehydration, poor management of medications, bedsores, and more.
Professionals who work with the elderly need to know how to identify abuse as well as report nursing home neglect. This is critical to putting an end to the abuse and getting the elderly the help they require. The most comprehensive bill ever voted into law covering elder abuse is the Elder Justice Act of 2009. This federal law and other state laws have made it so the abuse of the elderly is taken much more seriously. Injury lawyer Los Angeles is available to help.