Domestic violence is a tragedy that many people, often women, face every day. This epidemic affects 20 people each minute, which adds up to more than 10 million women and men annually. These statistics become even more alarming when you find out that 1 in 4 women are physically abused by a romantic partner in their lifetime.
For people who are trying to escape these situations, a restraining order may bring them peace. When someone is hurting, stalking, threatening, or harassing you, you can seek out a domestic abuse lawyer in Los Angeles to get a restraining order.
However, for many abusers, a piece of paper does not do much standing between them and the subject of their possessive rage.
Statistics show that domestic violence often escalates into murder. 72% of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner, and almost all of the victims in these terrible kinds of situations are women.
This was the case for an Oregon woman named Cassie Wagner. Her boyfriend, Jason Down, constantly threatened to hurt her and had even done so on multiple occasions, tasing her and shoving her, according to her own written records. She took out a restraining order against him, and when he broke this restraining order, he was merely given probation. This came as a shocking injustice, as Down had two separate restraining orders in his past filed by two different girlfriends.
A little over a month after her restraining order was issued, Wagner was dead. This is the case for many victims of domestic violence, as getting a restraining order in California can sometimes worsen the situation by triggering a violent response from the abuser.
These kinds of stories make victims wonder if they should even bother with a restraining order. This is debated by domestic violence lawyers.
On one hand, it can trigger more violence, especially if the abuser does not care about the legal consequences of their actions. Despite this, experts in domestic violence urge victims of domestic abuse to at least consider getting a protective order, as this can often give them more confidence.
Many recommend hiring family court lawyers in Los Angeles to aid the filing process in order to make your case stronger. Having a third party involved with the situation can also help if they become a witness to your abuser’s behavior.
Studies show a rapid and significant decline in violence scores when the victim gets a restraining order against their abuser. Another benefit is that simply violating the restraining order is a crime in and of itself.
If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone who is, please seek out a professional third-party to help. They can monitor the situation and protect you when you need it most.